Thursday, August 14, 2008

Monday's Game Night and GNC's Future!

First of all, Mike, Jesse, and I would like to apologize to all of you for not being able to host our August 11th Game Night. A schedule conflict we'd forgotten about between the Game Night Crew and the Children's Department forced us to cancel it at the last minute, but we'll stay on top of things like this in the future. So please forgive us and make sure to come next time! The next scheduled Game Night is on Monday, August 18th. I'll see if I can put up a calendar somewhere around here, so you'll know in advance about any cancellations...

Now, on to more fun matters... Before too long, Game Night Central's going to have a sleek new look! Instead of just being a Blogger site, it's actually going to be a fully-functional multi-paged site devoted to gaming and all of our Game Night programs! Trust me, it's going to rock.

Now, this new Game Night Central is going to be so much more than just a place to learn about program info. We actually want to get you involved! Write FAQs to games you know everything about, review new or old titles, or listen to game-related podcasts and walkthroughs! We want this new Game Night Central to be a source of reference for your every gaming need, but we've got to ask...

What should we have on the new site? Post a comment below, telling us what you want to see on the new website, and we'll probably make it happen!


Anonymous said...

People should read this.